Thursday, November 29, 2007

Still Thankful...a week later!

**Project supplies: Mini Comp book from Staples (2/$1.00), paper: bought at Michael's many moons ago in a "slab" combo pack, ribbon: Michael's $1 bin special, baby!, hardware: SU!, flower: Hobby Lobby, stamp: Happy Harmony SAB set from SU!

I was so busy working on the project for my family for Thanksgiving that I didn't even mention anything about the actual holiday!!!

I'm a huge fan of Thanksgiving. It really bothers me when everyone goes straight from Halloween decor to Christmas, as if this awesome holiday wasn't important enough to get it's day in the sun (or in Utah's case, clouds and snow!).

We really should live every day with a heart full of thanks, not just make a big deal out of it once a year and then move on. I've tried hard, especially lately, to really count my blessings and see how blessed I am in my life.

Along these lines, I decided to make a gratitude journal for myself and my entire family (well, everyone who is old enough to write!). Here's a picture of one of them....I went with a unique design for each one, as each person in my family is very unique in their own right! The rest of the pictures are on my sis's camera, as I was sooo brilliant and left mine home in our rush to get over to my mom's house on turkey day. There were over 20 total. I'll post the rest to my SCS gallery when my sis sends them.

Enjoy and don't forget to be grateful EVERY day!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Remaining Stamp Camp Cards

Here they are!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm back...FINALLY!

Argh!!! I *really* dislike (my 3 yo dd constantly reminds me that "hate" is a bad word and that we don't use it) my internet provider!!!

My internet connection went down late Monday night and I JUST got it back up! I'm so sorry for those of you who have been checking and have seen nothing new--it wasn't on purpose, I promise!

I'm also only popping on here for a tiny minute, then back to cleaning my house like a mad woman. My husband is being put in the Bishopric at church tomorrow (we're LDS--just ask if you're confused and want to know what I'm talking about!) and we're having the whole fam up for the event and a big dinner. So no time for "fun" stuff for me today!

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend and I promise I'll post the rest of the stamp camp pics on Monday!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas Stamp Camp Cards

My former SU! upline, Kelli Wilson, hosted a great event on Saturday that my SIL and I attended. We had a fabulous time chatting with my old team, making 10 cards plus a cute tote and she served a delicious lunch as well! I'll post a few cards today and some tomorrow.

Thanks so much, Kelli!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Went to Stamp Camp today!

Just a little late-night post lettin' y'all know that I'll have some DARLING cards to post on Monday! (I don't blog on Sundays)

My former SU! upline held a Christmas card stamp camp and we made THE cutest stuff. And it was so fun to see some of my old group there, especially Vickie---TTFN on Splitcoast. Wavin' hi to ya, cute lady!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Those Amazing Dirty Girls!!!

I *heart* the 15th of every month! It's the day that the new Dirty Dozen Gallery gets opened up for all of us wanna-be's to drool and oogle over!

I'm especially enjoying the Dirty Dozen right now as I have a dear friend who is a member! Kittie is just the most darling lady ever. We met at Stampin' Up's 2006 Convention and it was one of my highlights. I got to swap with her at the Splitcoast Dinner and she even slipped me a few extra cards---I'm going to be framing and hanging them in my stampin' room (which I was planning on doing even before she became "famous"!)

Not sure how it would even be possible that you could've missed Kittie747 and her distinctive style, but if you have somehow, go check out her SCS gallery immediately! Also, she's done some incredible things with different mediums other than paper since she's been a member of the DD, so become a Fan Club Member to see them!

Luv ya, Kittie!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Busy, busy

Don't know about everyone else, but life is just sooo busy right now! I have umpteen loads of laundry waiting for me behind closed doors, a sweet 3 y.o. daughter who, if she had her way, would sing songs, play dolls, and read books with me all day long! Then my social bug Kindergartener gets home and wants to know what play date I've set up for him-EVERY day. My two oldest boys are in an advanced school program called Spectrum, which, of course, means that I'M in the same program!

My 5th grader, Alex, is particularly busy. We (and I truly mean WE!) just finished up a big project called "Images of Greatness" where they chose a famous individual from American history to learn all about. It involved many, many smaller projects and then culminated last Thursday night at "The Main Event" where they dressed as their person, recited a poem, and presented a posterboard that took a LOT of work (yeah, that was pretty much an all-nighter on my part!) The teacher liked his poster so much that she bought it from us to keep and show her future classes how an exceptional poster looks. I *guess* that makes up for the lack of sleep??

Well, as I type this, I'm running late to pick up my 5 y.o. and one of his many girlfriends who is coming over for a play date today. One of these millenia I'll find 2 seconds to sit down and stamp something!!! Have a wonderful day.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers

Hello Ladies!!!

I'm so excited to be a part of the Sistahood!

A few lil factoids: I'm 32....turning 33 in January and have been married to my DH Sam for 12 years. We have 4 munchkins...3 boys and 1 princess (actually, she's the QUEEN around here!) and just moved in to a new home in June of this year that my hubby was the General Contractor on. I've been stamping (seriously) for about 5 years and am a former SU! Demo. My first real love is scrapbooking, but since I was introduced to stampin', I haven't made a page in years!

I just created this blog today (um, it's not obvious!), so please be patient with me as I figure out how to "purty it all up"! Luckily, my cards look a bit better than this blog! I've got a gallery over at SCS, so go check it out sometime.

Can't wait to get to know all of you better!!!