Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...

Well December couldn't have come in any grander here in Utah--we went to bed with bare ground and woke up to THIS beautiful site this morning!!! And the snow is still comin' down.

I can now *officially* get in to the Christmas spirit! I've got Christmas music on and as soon as I finish typing this, I'm going downstairs to start hauling all my Christmas decorations upstairs. We moved this summer, so I get the *joy* of decorating a new house--yeah!!!

Off to make a tasty mug of Stephen's Mint Hot Chocolate (with mini marshmallows, of course!) and enjoy the view out my window.


Kerry Johnson said...

Wow - look at that snow. This is one of those times when I love being Canadian and saying "Oh really? We haven't had snow yet!". Sorry!! Enjoy your music and hot chocolate and decorating!! It's twice as much work when the house is new and you don't know where everything "goes" yet - twice the fun though too!

Soguesswhat11 said...

wow, lots of snow! We got our first real snowfall on the 1st of December, complete with 1/4" of ice to boot. It really puts you in the Holiday Spirit, to be sure... just don't freeze out there! Just think, snow is like Dazzling Diamonds outside - aaahhh, makes you want to stamp, right?!

Stampin' Meg said...

Ohhh that is gorgeous-I haven't been in the snow in over 10 years!
That cocoa sounds delish!

Sherri said...

It was a perfect way to herald in December, wasn't it? Feelin' the Christmas spirit at the Wiltbas! Sherri (using Tom's gmail because mine was having issues, I guess? - related to Kenz??? :)

UrgentCookie said...

We haven't gotten any snow yet this year. I miss having snow. I grew up in Northern UT and we always had snow and I loved it. :0)