Monday, January 28, 2008

The world lost a great man, Heaven welcomed home a good and faithful servant

Last night, the prophet of the LDS Church, Gordon B. Hinckley, passed away at the age of 97. He returned to heaven to be embraced in the arms of his beloved wife, Marjorie, who passed away four years ago.

I had the amazing privilege of meeting him on several occasions, as he was very close to my grandparents. He truly cared about *every* individual he met. His testimony of Jesus Christ was steadfast and his faith unwaivering. He had wit, charm, and a wonderful sense of humor. He was a true Christian in every sense.

This world has lost an incredible man and follower of Christ, but at the same time, Heaven has welcomed home one of its finest. I can only imagine the joy in heaven as he was greeted by countless individuals, including my grandfather.

And I know for certain that when he meets the Savior, he will hear those words that we all long to hear someday: "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

Thank you, President Hinckley, for being a true disciple of Jesus Christ and showing us the path we all should follow back home.

God be with you til we meet again...


Velta said...

What a wonderful tribute to this man. I am so glad to know that he is with his wife and countless others in heaven. Sounds like he had a good life and you were fortunate to know him :)

UrgentCookie said...

You are very fortunate to be able to meet him in person. He is a wonderful man and will be an inspiration to many for a long time to come. :0)