But my excitement to be away from home and parental authority (or "guidance" as my dad called it!) was very short-lived. About a week after I had been living with roomates who didn't want to clean our apt. or study very much, I gained a great appreciation for all the things my dad had tried to get through my "thick skull" all those years! I called my parents and told them how much I loved them and how grateful I was for all they had taught me.
From that point on, my relationship with my dad has been totally different. For the first time in my life, I considered him a friend--a good friend. And in the last few years, I've seen an even more remarkable change in him. He's turned into a giant marshmallow, especially when it comes to his grandkids.
He works for two cities in Utah--full-time for Sandy City as one of their attorneys, and he also works one day a week as a consultant for Logan City. We live right in between the two, so he has started to make it a regular habit to stop by our house on his way up or back, to the absolute *delight* of my kids! He called last night telling me he was on his way and said he'd bring Kentucky Fried Chicken for him and the kids and even babysit while Sam and I went to a dinner party!!!
I couldn't begin to express in words how I feel about my dad. He's become the father I always wished I had growing up, and I think that is due to change on his part *and* mine. I have more respect and love for him than I ever thought possible. He is truly someone I admire, look up to, and seek advice from. My kids have the most wonderful "Ampy" in the world, and I have SUCH a cool dad.
Pops, if you're reading this, you're the Best and I LOVE YOU!!!